Offering quality psychology, psychiatry, counseling and therapy services in Columbia, MD for over 40 years


Crossroads Announcements and Updates

COVID-19 Update #3

Like most Marylanders, we are reservedly excited about Governor Hogan's announcement yesterday relaxing the State shut down orders.  While we are anxious to begin meeting with our patients and clients face to face again soon, we want to honor the Governor's request that those who can work from home should still do so.  We do this for the health and safety of our patients and staff, especially those who may be more susceptible to the virus.

We have begun to explore new policies and procedures for our waiting room, check-ins and appointments, so that when we can safely begin to phase in face to face appointments we are ready to do so.  Please stay connected through our website or social media sites for upcoming updates.

We thank you for your understanding and support during this difficult time, and look forward to seeing you online now, and in person as soon as (safely) possible.


Crossroads Staff

Matt Otto